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About ink features in Office

By using ink features in Microsoft Office 2003, you can use your Tablet PC and a tablet pen to insert your handwritten notes into Microsoft Office Word 2003, Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Office Excel 2003, or Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 using Office Word 2003 as your e-mail editor.

Ink features allow you to:

You can use the Ink Drawing and Writing command to incorporate handwritten text or hand-drawn pictures as the content of your Office documents (especially useful in e-mail messages), or you can use the Ink Annotations command to annotate the existing content of a document (similar to how you would mark up a document that's printed on paper).

In Word, you can use the Ink Comment command, so that handwritten rather than typewritten text appears in comment balloons.

In most cases, you must be running Office on a Tablet PC to create ink, but you do not need a Tablet PC to copy, paste, move, resize, format, or delete ink. The ink is treated as an object, similar to drawing objects.

Note  In Slide Show view in PowerPoint, you can make ink annotations on slides even if you aren't running PowerPoint on a Tablet PC.